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The Cerebral Symphony - by W.H. Calvin, Don't let SCIENCE scare you, you'll be glad you made the visit!
Thoreau's Cape Cod - Not yet complete, but nicely done
From Cape Cod to the Bay of Fundy - An Environmental Atlas of the Gulf of Maine New Views from Space, edited by Philip W. Conkling
Hidden Boston and Cape Cod - Globe Corner Bookstore
The Cerebral Symphony - by W.H. Calvin (yes, I know it is listed under Science, but this book is too good to miss!
Thoreau's Cape Cod - Not yet complete, but nicely done
The Curious Cape Cod Skull - Book Review here
Moby Dick - Yep, the book
The Life and Works of Herman Melville
Cape Authors/Reviews
Robert Pease - Author of O.U.I., and more!
Cape Cod Writers & Authors - Reviews
Writers on Cape Cod - links to on-line works.